All right... The demo song called "For those" which I posted on my "JD-Harlequin" user has been finished. You asked me to finish it... Well, I did! =)
I will be deleting that user, if it's possible, because I've signed a label with this name and I prefer to submit songs with it. I will not stop posting songs on NG, I just won't post full songs from those that are going to the label. :)
Here's the proof that I'm not a liar: s/post/79678
Looks like not many people comment on your stuff. I come here everyday just to see what's new.
I love the song. I feel sad, uplifted and happy all at the same time whenever I hear it.
I like your music. I have all your tracks. Keep it up.
By the way the song gets a 10/10 from me! :)